Saturday, August 17, 2019

The New Deal

Before the 1932 election, Roosevelt had promised the people of America a ‘New Deal' that would help them to recover the effects of the Great Depression. It had lasted four long years, and had caused suffering for the American people. When Roosevelt had taken office as the President Of The United States in 1933 he put the New Deal into order. The New Deal took action to bring about immediate economic relief in areas such as industry, agriculture, finance, waterpower, labour and housing. The aims that Roosevelt wanted to achieve with his New Deal was firstly to spend billions of dollars on creating jobs to be of use for the thousands unemployed in America, due to the depression. Another aim of Roosevelt's was to rebuild trade and industry in as many companies and businesses as possible to get the American Economy up and running once again. His final aim was to improve the lives of the ordinary Americans. To help them to acquire a fair and well-paid job to look after their families and to have an overall, better quality of life. In his first one hundred days of presidency, Roosevelt introduced his first New Deal, and established a host of Alphabet Agencies. They were so named, for their abbreviations. The first of his New Deal programs was the Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA). This was approved on the 12th May 1933. Although the act extended federal participation in relief for more than two years, it then decided to change the nature of its funding. This was from loans to direct grants for the use of several States. FERA was also supportive of nearly five million households each month and funded thousands of work projects for the unemployed. It also provided vaccinations and literacy classes for the millions of poor and uneducated population. The aims that had been achieved by Roosevelt with the FERA was that money had been spent creating jobs, and that many lives had been improved as they had, on some cases learnt to read and write and most men had received a job due to the work projects. The Emergency Banking Act was close to one of first things that Roosevelt introduced. It was responsible for closing down weak banks and paying the strong ones to stay open and carry on with business. Trade and industry was the only aim achieved by Roosevelt with this alphabet agency. It had rebuilt that banking world which seemed to be the centre of all industries, as money is needed and stored by the bank itself. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), ran by Harry Hopkins, was introduced as an alphabet agency. This was because of previous years of extensive flooding in the many states surrounding the Tennessee River, which caused all the good and rich soil to be washed away with the river water. This was a major problem, as crops could never be grown for food in such dreadful conditions. Roosevelt solved this problem by means of hiring unemployed men to build dams and reservoirs, to prevent soil erosion and to encourage irrigation, which helped to moisten the dry and hard soil to be able to grow crops for food. The aims achieved by the TVA were that money was spent on the jobs created to build the dams and reservoirs for the unemployed, and that lives of ordinary Americans were made a lot better as floods would no longer occur, destroying their food. The Civil Works Administration (CWA) was an agency used to build structures that the public would benefit from such as a bridge, road, school, hospital or library. Roosevelt gave the unemployed the job of doing this. The aims that Roosevelt achieved with the CWA was that money was being spent on creating jobs, again because of the unemployment situation being reduced as men were building things of a public use. This is why the lives of ordinary Americans were improved due to the new buildings available for them to seek medical help or for an educational purpose. The National Recovery Administration (NRA) was completed by major industries that joined the program promising to be fair in their businesses, and not to take advantage of the staff and buyers. Things such as prices being at a reasonable amount, and wages being of a fair price as well. In exchange for this, Roosevelt allowed the industries the opportunity to display the symbol of the Blue Eagle on the manufactured goods that they produced. Also including posters and vehicles. Anything to do with the industry involved with the NRA. The Blue Eagle symbolized to the American people that they had joined forces with the president to help with the success of the New Deal and to help America achieve a better standard of life. The aims that Roosevelt had led to success were that trade and industry was rebuilt due to the public buying their products, allowing money to be made by themselves. The quality of the American life had increased as well. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was created in 1934 to serve as a federal ‘watchdog' administrative agency to protect the public and private investors from stock market fraud, deception and insider manipulation on Wall Street. The SEC is still in existence today, (its reputation was flawed a bit by the Enron collapse in 2001-02) The aims of this were to improve the lives of Americans by protecting them from things that could potentially damage their lifestyle or business. The CCC, PWA, AAA and the NYA and WPA of the second new deal grew as the agencies pumped increasing amounts of money into the economy. Roosevelt had many opponents to his New Deal programs but not even the angriest of them had much to say against the good work initiated by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). It was not only one of the first organizations to begin operation, but was also one of the most successful. Its major role was to pay the town dwellers to move to the country and help the people there. It also provided financial support and helped implement conservation projects. In its nine years of existence, it put twenty five million young men to work planting two hundred million trees, digging drainage ditches, building firebreaks, clearing campgrounds and building reservoirs. This great effort of conservation and reforestation benefited not only the nation, but also the men themselves. The average enlistment for an employee in one of these camps was ten months. The CCC had many camps in the El Paso area, including those in Fabens, Ascarate, Ysleta and Elephant Butte in New Mexico. CCC workers completed major improvements at Elephant Butte. Including the planting of four thousand, five hundred trees and building a clubhouse. Campsites, cabins and a playground. They also widened and straightened roads around the dam and built several new stretches of roads. The aims achieved by the CCC were that money up to sums of millions of dollars were being spent to get young, healthy men to work with the CCC to be involved in reforestation and conservation of the country. Also the lives of ordinary Americans were being improved by the effort in improving the countryside to make it a better, healthier and more enjoyable area to live. People would be able to use or enjoy the things that had been made or built such as the forest. The Public Works Administration (PWA) was established by the NIRA in 1933. It was intended both for industrial recovery and unemployment relief. Eventually over four billion dollars was spent on thirty four, thousand construction projects including things such as public buildings, highways, bridges or dams for water and power. The aims that Roosevelt managed to make happen with the PWA were the first one of spending money to create jobs for building, and improving the lives of ordinary Americans as they could make use of the things built. The Agricultural Adjustment Acts (AAA) was an agent whose job it was to pay farmers to produce less by not using their land. This was because of the farmers already producing too much, which was part of the overproduction of the Great Depression. Roosevelt promised to pay the farmers, in exchange for them leaving some of their own fields alone. This was so that the prices of goods would remain steady. The AAA attempted to raise prices by controlling production of major crops through cash subsidies to farmers. In 1934, the AAA paid the El Paso County Cotton Committee three point five million dollars for their cotton crops, by the AAA. This included over two hundred, thousand dollars in rental payments for land that was taken out of their production. The aim Roosevelt managed to achieve here, was that trade began to rebuild itself. Because the prices remained steady, the businesses were able to get on with their work and make steady progress each day. By 1935 Roosevelt's New Deal had ran into serious difficulties. It was decided that some of the Alphabet Agencies were unconstitutional and Trade Unions were organizing strikes to complain about low wages. Instead of giving up, Roosevelt introduced new laws to replace the ones that the Supreme Court had ruled illegal. These became known as the Second New Deal. It was aimed at improving the social welfare, such as wages and employees. Compared to the first new deal that was aimed at the local, and ordinary Americans and improving their lives, and the businesses and industries in America. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) replaced the CWA. By 1935, local residents felt the ever-increasing art collection at Springville High School, needed a larger facility for its' preservation and display. Nebo School District donated a lot, the city if Springville donated approximately twenty-nine, thousand dollars in equipment and materials, the LD's Church donated twenty, thousand dollars or more, and the federal government, through the WPA spent fifty-four, thousand dollars on the project. Work began on 23rd November 1935, where the WPA was responsible for the manufacturing of the tile for the museum. The work was complete under the direction of Virgil Hafen, a local artist. Although most of the alphabet agencies were organised for temporary solutions to relieve problems, the agencies permanently broadened federal interest and involvement. The aims achieved by the WPA were all of them. The first being money spent on creating jobs, with the same reason as the CWA, jobs were being created in reorganising and moving the art work. The trade and industry was being rebuilt, as the artwork would be in a much better condition to view and maybe sell. And the lives of Americans were improving due to the wages given so they could afford food and drink to have a better quality of life. The National Youth Administration (NYA) was created under the emergency relief act of 1935. It provided more than four point five million jobs for young people. Therefore, the aim achieved here was the first; millions of jobs were available for young people of America, which meant their life was improving due to the help that their wages could give them. The Wagner Act replaced the NRA which the Supreme Court had ruled illegal. This new law gave workers the right to join Trade Unions so that they could work together to improve working conditions and pay. Employers were now banned from stopping workers joining Trade Unions and a National Labour Relations Board was set up to make sure the employers obeyed. Unlike it was before 1935, when it was illegal to join a union. The aim achieved here was that lives were improved of Americans. It gave them the opportunity to have a say in what they are entitled to in regards to the work place, and discuss what a fair wage would be for them to earn. The Social Security Act (SSA) was responsible for allowing workers to pay into a fund to receive benefits at a later date when they were out of work. It also provided the use of a public assistance program for dependant mothers, children and the physically disabled, and an unemployment benefit. The aim achieved by the SSA was the third of Roosevelt's original aims. Improving American lives due to the benefits they were getting, especially the unemployed, and the sick. The Rural Electrification Administration lent money to farmers so they could electrify their farming equipment and farm itself. The aims fulfilled by this, were that trade was rebuilt, because of the better quality farms. This would mean better products would be made. Ordinary American lives would also have been improved like the farmers. They would be working in better conditions, and probably making more money because of it. Finally, money was spent to make jobs in the farm. There was also the Farm Security Administration (FSA). This was used to set up temporary housing for ‘Okies' and ‘Arkies' who were refugees from Oklahoma and Arkansas, who migrated to California in hope of finding work. The aim was to provide a better quality of life for these American people in giving them houses to live in. They were given the opportunity to find a job themselves whilst living a temporary but stable condition. The Fair Labours Act provided the last major piece, of the New Deal legislation in 1938. This important labour law set minimum wage (twenty five cents an hour) and a maximum standard (establishing the forty hour work week). It also severely curbed the use if child labour. Finally, the aims that Roosevelt achieved with this alphabet agency of the Second New Deal were trade and industry being rebuilt, as a standard for wages was set, leaving all businesses with a fair and economical wage for all their employees. And, lives of the Americans were improved because no one working could be cheated in their job of what wage to get. Everyone would be treated as an equal in the work place. The New Deal Illegal Immigration Differing Perspectives Paper Brittany M. Coiana Critical Thinking and Reading Linda Sheffield March 20, 2013 Should the U. S military patrol the boarders? In my opinion I think the military should patrol the boarders. There are many reasons I could think why they should, but I’m going to give you my two most important ones. My first reason why the U. S military should patrol the boarders is to stop the illegal aliens’ from crossing over and causing taxpayers to pay money they shouldn’t.Our prison system is over flowing with illegal immigrants and costing us as tax payers to much money to keep them in there. Some are in for drug charges and some are in for murders that could have been permitted if we had a handle on our border patrol. According to The Federation for American Immigration Reform, in an article entitled â€Å"Criminal Aliens† stated: â€Å"Over the past five years, an average of more than 72,000 aliens have been arrested a nnually on drug charges alone. Among the alien federal prisoners, over half (55 percent) were illegally in the United States at the time of their conviction. (www. immigration. procon. org) Another reason I feel the U. S military should patrol is because it could save lives. We have many in our prison system for the murder of our people, but what about the illegal aliens that are getting killed in car wrecks, getting killed by our border officers and being killed because they can’t make it through due to weather, starvation or even dehydration. According to NBC news, in an article entitled â€Å"Deadly crossing: Death toll rises among those desperate for the American Dream† stated: â€Å"Crossing the U. S. Mexico border illegally has always been dangerous, but this year heat and drought have made the journey particularly deadly. † (www. openchannel. nbcnews. com) I think the U. S military would be a great step towards controlling our border. Not only will this s ave on taxes but also save lives. I think Illegal aliens shouldn’t have access to social services such as health care and Medicaid because they are not Americans and they don’t pay taxes. Many Americans can’t even get on social services or qualify for Medicaid. America has a high rate of low income families and some that are just so poor.Some of these Americans can’t even qualify. Having illegal immigrants on top of all that just isn’t fair for the true blood Americans. The following results for the nation were compiled from information collected in the 2012 Current Population Survey & Annual Social and Economic Supplement: â€Å"The U. S. Census Bureau announced today that in 2011, median household income declined, the poverty rate was not statistically different from the previous year and the percentage of people without health insurance coverage decreased. Real median household income in the United States in 2011 was $50,054, a 1. percent decli ne from the 2010 median and the second consecutive annual drop. † (www. census. gov) Most of the illegal immigrants don’t even pay taxes. So we as tax payers are paying for people that shouldn’t even be here. We Americans pay our taxes to live on the land we were born on. Now we are being over taken by a race that is illegal and doesn’t even help pay for the land they now live on. â€Å"The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget,† wrote by Steven A. Camarota stated: â€Å"Illegal’s Create Large Net Costs†¦.When defense spending is not considered, illegal households are estimated to impose costs on the federal treasury of $6,949 a year or 58 percent of what other households received. † (www. immigration. procon. org) So I believe Turn born Americans should be the only ones to receive social services and Medicaid. This will help out our fellow Americans and give to the people that really need the help i n these areas. I really didn’t know much about sanctuary cities until I did my research. I will give both sides of the issue. Should U. S. government ban sanctuary cities?Yes they should so that many states can get money back in to their government and in to schools. Banning these cities would also slow down the crime rate in those states. According to Tina Griego, journalist for the Denver Rocky Mountain News wrote a column titled, â€Å"Mexican visitor's lament† stated: Colorado would save more than $20 million surrounded by prison costs, and the terror that those 7,300 alien criminals set upon local citizens. † (immigrationready. com) But on the other hand I also say no, if we were to take out these cities the state could lose out on a lot of income.Company’s would lose customers and end up losing or going bankrupt. So taking out these cities could put a big dent on a lot of income that state could make. According to The Washington Post, in an article e ntitled â€Å"Do immigrants help the economy? † by Spencer S. Hsu, said: â€Å"The U. S. has benefited greatly over the years from the ’brain gain’ of immigration,† said author Darrell M. West. † (www. voices. washingtonpost. com) So, as you can see they are many sides to this issue in the U. S. and for as me I’m still undecided on which side to go for.This nation could benefit from those cities and this nation could also not benefit from them. As Americans we vote for the president and hope he makes the right decisions for our country. As a result of this project I have learned that the U. S military should patrol the borders because after reading the article â€Å"Criminal Aliens† by The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), I found out how much American taxpayers pay in each year for illegal immigrants to stay in our prison system. If we could get the military over to our border it could save us taxpayers a lot of money in the long run.I also have learned that not allowing illegal immigrants the privilege to have access to our social services and Medicaid because we as Americans pay our taxes and we earn our privilege to get these offers. This will also save the American people from paying so much and getting so little. According to Steven A. Camarota, in his article â€Å"The High Cost of Cheap Labor: Illegal Immigration and the Federal Budget† I also learned about a new problem in our country, sanctuary cities. I’ve learned there are two sides of this issue and it’s hard for me to decide which side to choose.We as Americans can benefit from both sides of this issue. I think illegal immigration is a big concern for the U. S. because by stopping certain things could save this country a lot of money. Work Cited â€Å"Are Illegal Aliens Paying Their â€Å"fair Share† of Taxes? – Illegal Immigration – ProCon. org. † Are Illegal Aliens Paying Their â₠¬Å"fair Share† of Taxes? – Illegal Immigration – ProCon. org. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013. ;http://immigration. procon. org/view. answers. php? questionID=000789;. â€Å"Deadly Crossing: Death Toll Rises among Those Desperate for the American Dream. † NBC News. N. p. , n. d. Web. 9 Mar. 2013.

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